The Story ofThe Wolf and theSeven Little Goats(Brothers Grimm) Once upon a time
there was a Mother Goat who had seven little kids. They lived in a cozy little cottage at the edge of the woods. One day
it happened that Mother Goat had to run some errands
so she called her kids together and asked them to be good children and bade the older ones to keep an eye on the youngest ones. But she warned them especially not to open the door to the big bad wolf. He had been seen in the neighbourhood and was known to be especially wiley ... and always very
very hungry. Never
she warned them
should they open the door to anyone without making sure it was their mother.The kids promised everything that was asked of them and Mother Goat was soon on her way. And they really were good little kids ... the older ones read stories and sang songs with the younger ones to pass the time.Then there was a knock one the door.